Sunday, March 23, 2008

China - "We Shall Overcome" Maybe!!!

I think that that based on what I have learned about China and its current internal problems we have long since past China’s reconsideration as a world power. China is a world power. While China has GDP is steadily growing, supporting its 1.3 billion people is a challenge. China does have one plus that will have it stay a world power, “the 1.3 billion people” are a market for the world. While the internal problems may exist on a large scale, the world wants to move it products and create economic stability for itself, I believe even at the cost of the Chinese people. In order for China to solve its internal problems they will have to reform its government.. China is currently playing a game with itself. It called itself a communist state but is playing the game of capitalism. Democracy is inevitable. When and how, I do not know but solutions to internal problems will be a factor in the change.

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